Only need four steps, you can register account. After submitting, we will contact you and confirm that you will be open to the account. You will experience the many features that MetaTrader 4 offers you.
We will not disclose your personal information, please see the "Privacy Policy" page, please fill in!

Step 1: Personal information details

First Name(*)

Last Name(*)

Tips: only 18-65 years old customer account





Zip code(*)



Have you opened an account by a broker?


Step 2: Financial information

Your total annual income (USD)(*)

Your net asset value (USD)(*)

Employment status(*)

How many years have you experienced foreign exchange transactions, commodities and CFDs?(*)

You have traded in the last two years
Forex CFD Stock Commodity Futures / options Bonds

How often do you have the volume of customers in the past two years?(*)

Average transaction volume per transaction(*)

Do you have a professional qualification certificate or related work experience in the financial industry?
Yes No

Step 3: Account details

Account default currency(*)

Account type(*)

Document upload

In order to activate your trading account, you need to upload your ID and proof of address

Proof of identity: (1) passport within the validity period; (2) the driver's license, identity card issued by the government during the period of validity

Proof of address: (1) public utilities such as coal and electricity bills, telecom bills, accounts, driver's license or bank bills; (2) all address proof requirements within three months (account of this, driver's license)

ID card positive(*)

ID card negative(*)

Proof of address(*)

Proof of address(*)

Step 4: Risk statement

Risk statement: Based on your experience in trading and investment knowledge, we believe that our products are not necessarily suitable for you, before you open an account you should understand the nature of foreign exchange and the risks contained therein. If you still want to open an account, you can open it, but you may expose your risk to your investment knowledge and experience.

I understand that foreign exchange and CFD margin transactions contain a high risk of loss and may not be suitable for me, and I may not have the necessary experience and knowledge to understand the risks contained therein. I have read and understood the information provided, including the risk disclosure statement in the Client Agreement and are willing to continue my account application.

I have read customer agreement and understand and agree to all terms and conditions of the transaction, order implementation policy, general risk disclosure statement, conflict of interest policy, customer classification, investor compensation fund and privacy agreement. I agree to be bound by the terms of the agreement, set up trading accounts and capital injection is entirely in my own initiative.